Asian Insect Industry Research Forum, AFFiA from July 12th to 14th in …

페이지 정보



Pearlzyme Inc., a member of AFFiA since 2023, attended the forum at Kasesart university(from July 12th to 14th), which is a most famous university with a long history of agriculture in Bangkok, Thailand.



[ Pearlzyme Inc. in AFFiA, from July 12th to 14th, 2023 ]


AFFiA (The Asian Food and Feed Insect Association) is a non-profit organisation representing the interest of its members from the industry and the academia working with insects as food and feed in Asia.

This organisation aims to promote entomoculture and entomophagy both regionally and globally, support national initiatives and solve challenges, as well as present Asia in the global insect industry.

During the forum, production processes, ESG, and sustainability for long-term resilience in Southeast Asia, including topics such as insect waste were discussed with investors interested in the field.


Pearlzyme Inc. is also focusing on the research on substances with the potent physiological activity of microbial insect proteins extracted from larvae; at the same time, plans to conduct research and develop secondary products to be produced by reacting with the patented product, PEARLZYME®

Through this research, Pearlzyme Inc. will commercialize insect raw materials as feed ingredients for livestock feed and pet food ingredients in the near future, With the final goal to characterize and utilize physiologically active substances for livestock and provide fundamental ideas for human applications.